I never used the Nose Right but I have heard that it works in some reviews. There is an actual doctor testimonial on YouTube of some doctor recommending the Nose Right so I would say its legit.
Your Nose can be shaped and formed, that is a scientific fact so I don't think this is a scam at all. It doesn't make sense why this would be a scam if there are doctors involved. Seems like health care is really making a reform, this is not the only product I seen that totally goes against plastic surgery. But I know that I read in many reviews, if you want this to work you have to wear it everday, and follow the instructions. Can someone please write a response here who actually tried it, because I am thinking of getting one myself. Please verify if this is a scam or if it works!
I thoght nose right was a scam too. Bottom line it does work. It just seemed so simple that it would be impossible to be effective on me. I've bought things before on the internet that didn't live up to what it claimed.I did my research on different methods to correct my nose. I wanted to be open minded to all possibilities. Before i thought surgery would solve it all I had to do is save and find an exceptional doctor to perform the procedure. I found out that plastic surgery is the biggest scam of all. Such invasive surgery that doesnt guarantee lasting results or your happiness. I started to wonder if i would like it once it was done. I didn't want to go under the knife again if i hated it. I would of already spent a fortune and then have to save again to get it fixed. No Way!! I had nothing to loose by trying nose right. It molds your cartilage the same way a plastic surgeon would without pain. After about 2 weeks I had a thinner more defined nose like a model in Vanity Fair or something. It was amazing!! The only complaint is that you look rediculous wearing it and reddened the area where it was applied.
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