Marian Wright Edelman's birth name is Marian Wright.
Marian Wright Edelman was born on June 6, 1939.
Marian Wright Edelman was born on June 6, 1939.
Marian Wright Edelman started and is the president of the Children's Defense Fung
US activist Marian Wright Edelman is 78 years old (birthdate: June 6, 1939).
Marian Wright Edelman (born June 6, 1939) is an American activist for the rights of children. She has been an advocate for disadvantaged Americans for her entire professional life. She is president and founder of the Children's Defense Fund (CDF).
No.She is 72 years old.
she attended spelman college and yale university
all i know is that her father died 2 years after she was born.
Yes! She is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
she came famous by her 4 children and she wanted to help in the civil right movement