no being insecure is not a bad thing it just means you have a hard time trusting people and want to know they love you, this could be because you have suffered a traumatic ordeal in the past or just because you have been hurt in the past and don't want it to happen again
APEX--- No one is really in charge, so it's insecure and uncertain.
dont't worry, everyone is insecure, it's what makes us human. But being really insecure can be a problem. signs of this are when you look in the mirror too much, get really angry with yourself, which can also lead to lashing out at others, and taking comments too personally. e.g. if someone says that you looks a little upset, you will start to believe that that is an insult, that the person is saying that you look bad.
MY opinion of why they get boyfriends is because they dont put themselves out there like the non insecure girls do.
that shes insecure.
Because, I am insecure. And Taylor Swift, sings songs about me being mean... and a low life... and pathetic. And I really am insecure.... like no, joke. :(
Because most girls who do this are insecure with themselves... And they 'talk bad things' - as u put it - about other girls to make themselves feel better about themselves, but really they're no better than anyone else!!
Because there insecure which means they usually don't feel good about themselves so they try to make others feel bad about them so the insecure person can feel better about his or herself
Because your password is sent with cleartext across the network!
insecure....low self esteem....bad past exsperiences......nervous...
yes it is really bad yes it is really bad yes it is really bad
Cyber-bulling is bad in the way that it affects the victim on a mental and emotional level. They become depressed and insecure about themselves. it is also bad for the people doing it as it is found that those doing such acts are actually insecure themselves and find cyber-bullying as an easy way to release their anger. They require urgent help otherwise they may go on the wrong path in life.