Garrett Wang's birth name is Garrett Richard Wang.
Garrett Wang is 5' 11".
Garrett Wang was born on December 15, 1968.
Garrett Wang was born on December 15, 1968.
Garrett Wang is 45 years old (birthdate: December 15, 1968).
Brad Garrett married to Jill Diven from 1999 to 2007
Vera Wang married to Arthur P. Becker in 1989
Lieutenant General William B Garrett III is married to Mrs. Garrett. Yes, that's right, Mrs. Garrett. I don't have her first name because, well, who cares? Just know that she's the lucky lady married to this military man.
Garrett Morgan got married at the age of 21.
Brad Garrett married to Jill Diven from 1999 to 2007
Garrett was married to the beautiful Mary Anne Hassek but he first married Marge Madge who is more beautiful thenMary Anne Hassek.
Garrett Wang, who played Ensign Harry Kim.