No. They are two completely different drugs. GHB is one of the most commonly used date-rape drugs. It is a strong depressant that makes you black out for hours, and when you wake up you have no idea what you've been doing (or what has been done to you). Some people do take tiny amounts of GHB recreationally, though.
Ecstasy (MDMA) is a stimulant. You can't fall asleep on Ecstasy, nor will you black out on Ecstasy. It is also a mild hallucinogen, which GHB is not.
Basically, Ecstasy is for dancing at clubs and having fun, and GHB is for incapacitating people so you can rape them.
G slang for GHB include "liquid ecstasy," "scoop," "Georgia home boy," and "liquid E."
Caffeine, Tobacco, Cocaine, Methamphetamine, Crystal Meth, GHB and Ecstasy are many of the drugs that give you a "high".
GHB has effects characteristic of both a depressant and a empathogenic stimulant. The drug acts on two distinct receptors in the brain: the GABAB receptor, and the GHB receptor. Its action on the GABAB receptor produces a powerful sedative, CNS inhibitory effect similar to alcohol or benzodiazepines. Through its action on the GHB receptor it exerts a excitatory effect on the brain leading to subjective effects of empathogenesis similar to MDMA. Its influence on this receptor is also responsible for the convulsions observed in GHB overdoses. GHB's effects are said to resemble a combination of alcohol and ecstasy.
the same as ecstasy?
Not a certain answer, but a close friend got drug tested for Meth and Ecstasy, which he had been doing two nights prior, as well as a lot of ghb afterwards. We were having fun carelessly and when his parents drug tested him he was clean. The oddest shock came to us knowing we had used prior.
Go behind the target at 11pm.
It was found that Bindeez beads contain a chemical that breaks down into the potentially fatal drug fantasy, also known as GHB or GBH.Taken from the GHB wiki:In a medical setting, GHB is used as a general anesthetic, to treat conditions such as insomnia, clinical depression, narcolepsy, and alcoholism, and to improve athletic performance. It is also used illegally under the street names Juice, Liquid Ecstasy or simply G, either as an intoxicant, or as a date rape drug
It depends on the area. I find that it costs around as much as ecstasy and it can be found at clubs where X hangs out. They seem to go hand in hand. $5-$10 per capsule is the normal price I see.
A club drug is something like Ketamine, GHB, roofies, meth or ecstasy--drugs that put you in a trance. Alcohol, while consumed at clubs in very large quantities, isn't considered a "club drug."
Learn organic chemistry, But, if you want a basic idea google "Synthesis of GHB"