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Ear wax has nothing to do with germs.

The eustachian tubes (one on each side) help drain the sinuses and ears. Ear wax is a natural "lubricant" of the ear canal, much like saliva lubricates the mucous membranes of the mouth.

Ear wax darkens with illnesses or environmental changes. For example, cigarette smokers often produce more and darker ear wax than non-smokers.

It is true that ear wax "catches" insects, but only because of the sticky nature of ear wax. It prevents the insect from moving, but that also means the insect can't move OUT. Once trapped, the wax suffocates the insect.

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Is there DNA present in earwax?

Yes, there is DNA present in earwax.

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Another name for earwax is cerumen. Earwax is a waxy substance that is yellow in color and is secreted in the ear canal.

Is earwax normal?

It is normal for the ear canal to have some yellowish-brown earwax

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Does God have earwax?

No. God does not have earwax, for He has no physical ears, for He is God, spirit, and therefore not man.

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Earwax isn't good for a cold sore after a scab has formed.

Why ears have earwax?

That's a good question! As I understand it, earwax protects the ear by the collection & removal of foreign bodies!

Is eating earwax good for you?

No, eating earwax is not good for you. Earwax is produced by the body for a reason - to trap dust and other particles before they can reach the eardrum. Eating earwax could introduce harmful bacteria or irritants into your body.

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How do you turn earwax into gold?

You can't.

What is the real name for earwax?
