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Q: Is Drinking Too Much Decaf Tea Bad For you?
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What are the health benefits of drinking decaf coffee or tea instead of water?

Caffeine from tea and coffee has been known to cause kidney problems even kidney stones.

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not rille

Can drinking decaf tea cause dehydration?

Decaf and regular caffeine products can cause dehydration. This is due to the fact that even decaf products have a trace amount of caffeine. The caffeine is directly related to the body flushing out its sodium-bound water reserves through the kidneys.

Where can you purchase decaf white tea bags?

Your head

Ive got an allergy to caffeine can you still drink green tea to clear acne?

If you have a caffeine allergy i strongly recommend you don't drink Green tea. I'll explain:- I changed to Decaff since i was having reactions to caffeine which has been affecting me mentally and physically. I have been drinking decaf for years thinking it was decaffinated. Had a cup of green tea the other day and if affected me terribly which prompted me to just check if their was caffeine it decaf also. Stopped drinking decaf and the next day even i felt so much better, clear headed and my skin is clearing up. Just to let you know if you do have a caffeine allergy stay of caffeine competely. Rooibus- Red bush tea from Tetley is great and its caffeine free. Bought some and love it!!!!!

Is decaf tea acidic?

Decaf tea is generally less acidic compared to regular tea because some of the caffeine has been removed during the decaffeination process. However, decaf tea can still contain natural acids present in tea leaves, such as tannins, which can contribute to its overall acidity. If you have concerns about acidity, herbal teas like chamomile or peppermint may be a better option.

Does drinking tea affect the complexion of baby during pregnancy?

I have never heard this, but you should not drink tea unless it is decaf. Tea naturally contains high contents of caffeine. Caffeine constricts the blood vessels in your body, which in turn restricts the blood supply to the fetus.

Can you name 2 non examples of decaf coffee?


Is it safe to drink decaf tea during pregnancy?

Yes, decaffeinated teas and even decaf coffee are safe to drink.Caffeinated teas are even safe to drink during pregnancy, in moderation. The amount of caffeine in a typical cup of tea is much less than that in a typical cup of coffee. The current stance of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists is that up to 200mg of caffeine daily is totally safe during pregnancy. This is enough for 1-2 cups of coffee or 3-5 cups of tea, depending on how strong it is.Even higher amounts are going to be much safer than, say, smoking or alcohol consumption. Moderate tea and coffee drinking is not worth worrying about, although tea is probably a safer bet as it is much lower in caffeine.Yes u can. U can actually drink 3-4 cups of normal tea but i wud suggest decaf cups 3-4 are gud.

What is the best sweet tea for you?

I think decaf but the best SWEET TEA (my fave drink)would be McDonalds:)

Does twinning decaf tea have caffeine?

no its decaf i would think not All teas, even the decaffeinated once have small traces of caffeine. IF you want a truly caffiene free tea you will have to drink herbal teas.