No, Cialis is not a blood thinner.
Blood vessels carrying blood to the penis relax, which allows sufficient amount of blood to create an erection.
If the body also produces phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5), then the flow of blood can be reduced or eliminated.
Cialis works by preventing the body from producing PDE5, which then allows blood to flow to the penis.
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No it is not a blood thinner
i am wondering if cialis will show up in my urine and a blood sample that was drawn for a life insurance policy.
yes magnesium is a natural blood thinner.
Heparin is a blood thinner used to prevent blood clots.
People on blood thinner such as coumadin are not eligible to donate blood. The blood thinner inhibits the bloods ability to clot and may be dangerous to the recipient of the blood transfusion, especially during surgery.
Can you take Instaflex while on Eliquis blood thinner
Does grapefruit cause blood to get thinner?
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Losartan is not a blood thinner. Losartan only reduces blood pressure, it does not contain any ingredients to reduce cholesterol, or to thin blood.