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This is an average size penis for teens ages 12 - 16

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Q: Is 5 inches penis with inch and quarter thickness is normal?
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If you are 14 and have a penis about 4 and a quarter inches long is this normal?

Yes. Some boys are smaller but few are larger.

What is the normal penis length of Indian men?

The average thickness of an Indian penis is the same as every other race, about 4.75 inches around.

If your 14 is it normal to have a penis that is 10 inches?


Is your penis a normal size for your age you are 14 and your penis is 7.4 inches long and 5.8 inches in girth is this normal for your age age?

Depends on your body build

What is the normal thickness of a penis?

The average thickness of a grown man's penis is 2-4 1/2 cm across, 2-4 cm from top to bottom, and 10-15 cm around

Is five inches normal before puberty?

If your penis is five inches long, then you have already started puberty. The normal size of a pre-pubertal penis is around 3cm, which is about 1 inch.

You are 20 your penis is 5 inch are you normal?

The national average erect penis length is 5 1/2 inches, so you are about as normal as you can get.

How many inches is a normal penice?

The normal size for a penis is about 5-6inches but it is said when a guy gets a boner their penis increases about 2 inches, so if u do it with a guy who has a size of 6inches when he gets a boner it will be 8 inches.

What is normal length of penis for 21 year old?

12 inches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7-12 inches!!!

Your penis is 6 inches and you have pubic hair im you normal?


You are 13 and your penis is 8 inches long is this normal?

Above Average.

If I 13 and you have a 7 inch penis when erected is this average small or bigger then normal?

I'm 15 and have a 6 and a half inch penis, it's above the average. An average man's penis is about 6 inches