Usually, yes.
Most labs list about 10-300 as the normal ferritin level. Inflammation can raise the level even if the iron is low so it is helpful to also check iron and TIBC (total iron binding capacity).
The ozone levels are very low now. They were ok before the invention of CFC's.
because they are, OK?
Maybe 40 Or 47 ok no bethany is 21 this year in 2011 so in 2009 she was 19
The shortest time is 20 hours and 47 minutes.
Ok the element silver )chemical symbol Ag) has 47 Protons and Electrons. Also here is the website I got the info from in case you need to find out about any other elements. Hope this helps cause I just studied the Elements and it was drilled into me head pretty hard :)
Ok... 47-12= x-14 1. Simplify by subtracting 47 and 12. 35= x-14 2. Add the 14 to the 35. 49=x 3. There's ur answer! X equals 49. Hope it helped! :P
I'd say that's pretty good for a 22 year old!
Well, first you go downtown then u do things that u have not done ok
you need a new oil switch
Well I took one, and I feel OK. I deem it SAFE