

Is 4.970 TSH considered high

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: Is 4.970 TSH considered high
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Is TSH level of 27.03 high?

The "normal range of TSH is 0.3 to 3.0 μIU/mL. A TSH level that is above that range would be considered "high". The pituitary produces TSH to tell the thyroid glands to produce more thyroid hormones. If the thyroid glands to not respond, the pituitary produces greater and greater levels of TSH. A TSH level that high indicates that there is something significantly wrong with the thyroid glands, and the patient should be prescribed thyroid replacement hormones.

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5765 is 116% of 4970.

What does a high result per a TSH blood test determine?

high TSH than the normal range means hypothyrodism.

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Is a tsh result is 5.010 is it safe?

A TSH result of 5.010 is slightly elevated, indicating possible hypothyroidism. It is generally considered high and may warrant further evaluation or monitoring by a healthcare provider to determine if treatment is necessary.

Is 8.5 tsh level high?

Yes, absolutely! Even when using the older measurements TSH 0.3 - 5.0, that is exceptionally high

Causes of high TSH?


Is a TSH value of 5.35 considered hyperthyroidism?

Because TSH is a part of the body's negative feedback system which controls the thyroid's output of thyroid hormones, a DECREASE of TSH would indicate hypERthyroidism. An INCREASE of TSH indicates hypOthyroidism.

How would feedback mechanism function to restore homeostasis after high TSH levels?

High levels of TSH initially increases the level of thyroid hormone (TH). When the TH levels get high, the feedback mechanism starts to work: The excess amount of TH in the blood signals the pituitary gland to decrease secretion of TSH, which decreases the amount of TSH that is secreted by the pituitary gland, and maintains homeostatis.

Would a patient with a TSH level of 3.68 be considered to have hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism?

A TSH of 3.68 is within the normal range. However, doctors like to see a TSH between .3 and 3 in those patients receiving thyroid replacement medications. Additionally, normal for one person may not be normal for another. Just as I wear a different shoe size than my husband, everyone's systems require different levels for them to feel well. My husband's shoe size is normal, so is mine. I will not be comfortable wearing his shoes all day however. A TSH test only shows an average value of your thyroid status over the last several weeks. You may still be experiencing periods of high and/or low thyroid and your TSH will appear normal. Knowing the level of your Free T3 and Free T4 as well as antibody levels will help determine what is going on and if you need treatment. When a TSH appears high, a patient is considered hypOthyroid. When a TSH is low, a patient is considered hypERthyroid.

What is low tsh?

low tsh is when you have low tinactimine sorachome hendrocytosis.