17 years of age is not old. at 17 you are still a minor. i believe that most people aren't even ready to be considered adults at 20. so how can anyone think that 17 is old. 17 is a great age to be.
17 years old.
A 17 year old is 17 years old.
A 17-year old is over 17 years old, but not 18 years old.
17 years old !!!!!! 17 years old !!!!!! 18 years old !!!!!!!!!!! 2009
a dog that is 17 years old in dog years is 119.
she is 30 years old
If a girl is 17 years old and the guy is 24 years old can they get married?
yes he is 17 years old and his birthday is feburary 11 1992
17 years old 17 years old
the difference between 17 and under 17 years old is that under means younger than 17 and 17 is just 17.
About 202 years old
she is 17 years old