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Q: Is 160oz of water a day too much?
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Why do i feel like im drowning when i drink too much water?

you feel like that because you are drinking too much water a day

How much water in used every day in the US?

Way too much

Is too much water been harmful after eating?

Drinking too much water after eating will probably lead to a stomache ache and possibly vomiting. Consuming too much water throughout the day can lead to water intoxication, which is a serious condition.

Approximately how much water is used in the US every day?

Way too much

How can you keep flowers from dying?

Dont water them too much because too much water will cause the flowers to wilt. Also put in a place where it will get sun at least a couple times a day if you are wanting to have them in vases inside. Not too much sun though. If your flowers are planted outside, then water them once a day.

How many glasses of water are you supposed to drink?

You should drink about 64 ounces of water a day. There is a such thing as water poisoning. It surrounds your cells with too much water, and it causes them to burst.

Can you drink too much water in a day?

My friend, one can have too much of anything ! Too much water and you drown. Too much sun and you burn. Everything in moderation; your wonderful God-given body should tell you when it has had enough. Blessings !

Is having too much water worse than having too little water?

Having too little water can cause medical illness with sustained dehydration and osteoporosis, arthritis,limited brain function and many other harmful effects while consuming too much water is bad it usually will just cause vomiting in extreme cases it will cause death but so will dehydration thank you.

How do plants die faster with too much water or too little water?

too much

How much oz of water should you really have a day?

If you drink six to eight, eight-ounce glasses of water a day, that is usually enough water for a human. However, if you're thirsty, drink more, and don't drink too much too late in the evening, because you may be awakened by the urge to eliminate the water you drank so late.

How often do you water flower's from a seed?

About every day, but you don't want them to get too wet. You don't want them to dry out too much for too long. The planter should be in the sun or have a light on it. I use a planter with a clear plastic dome. It doesn't dry out as much, and I water them every other day or as needed. I didn't put a light over it the first time, and they didn't do too well.

How much is too much water to drink in a day?

it is up 2 u but to b healthy u need 2 drink at least 3 to 4 glasses of water