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Yes, but there is no "normal" weight for teenagers anything that is in the BMI. You may have to go to a professional doctor for that test! Every single person is made different. 136 @ 5 foot three sounds athletic and healthy. you dont want to be skin and bones....your perfect the way you are!!!

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Q: Is 136 a normal weight for a 13 year old girl who is 5'3?
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absolutely. normal is around 110

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Is a 13 year old girl overweight if she is 5'2 and weighs 136 pounds?

I weight that amount! My doctor says, we are on the boarder of being overweight and normal so a healthy diet and regular excersize you shall begin!

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What is the average weight of a 5' 252 year old woman?

136 Lbs

You are a 5 2' girl what is the average weight?

Average weight would be 125 pounds.

Average weight for a 5'8 12 year old?

Female: 136-150 Male: 145-157

How much is overweight for a 13-year-old?

depends on height. im 5'2 (im older than a teen) i weight 134. Im normal. But the range for 5'2 is 101-136. So im just making it.

What is healthy weight for girl that is 5 foot 2 inches and 18 years old?

The average weight for a girl that is 5 foot 2 is 110 pounds. If you are 5 feet, 100 pounds and 5 more pounds every inch.The average wight for a girl that is 5 feet tall and 2 inches is 110 through 136 pounds. If you weight between these numbers than you are consider healthy. If your over 136 pounds your consider slighty over weight. If your under 110 pounds you are under weight, which is not good.

What is the average weight for a 5'5 14 year old?

they should be just about 117 - 136 high would be 156

What is the average weight of a 5' 2 28-year-old woman?

Anywhere between 101 and 136 lbs.