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It is actually very granting to yawn. It expands your lungs and makes you more awake and aware. But if youre yawning that much you should see a doctor or sleep a little more.

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Why are yawns not contagious?

Actually that is a lie. Yawns are contagious.

What does 1 and 2 and 3 yawns mean?

1 yawn means you are tired. 2 yawns means you need a nap. 3 yawns means you need to go to sleep.

Are yawns really contagiou?

yes, yawns are contagious and you can go to

Are yawns contagious and how?


Do you get drowsy if some one yawns close from you?

No, feeling drowsy when someone yawns nearby is not a guaranteed response. Yawning is believed to be contagious due to social cues rather than a direct physiological trigger for drowsiness. Factors such as tiredness, empathy, and attention levels may influence the likelihood of yawning in response to others.

If a hippo yawns can you relax or should you run?

When a hippo yawns, it signals that he is about to charge or fight. Definitely run.

What is Indian name he who yawns?

In Indian culture, there is no specific name for someone who yawns. Yawning is considered a natural bodily function and not typically associated with creating a unique name.

Do dogs yawn?

Yes they do. Our pup yawns all the time. She must be tired from her day of laying around, eating, and chasing her tail.

Why are yawns so contagious?

Yawns are thought to be contagious due to a primitive form of empathy called social contagion. When we see or hear someone else yawn, our brain simulates the action and triggers us to yawn as well, possibly as a way to increase group alertness and synchrony.

Why does Apolo Ohno yawn?

Apolo Ohno yawns because it gives him extra oxygen before he races and it makes him feel good.