Yes. Most undergraduate college classes are designed to be passed easily by someone with an IQ of 120 and a little application. The standard was SUPPOSED to be that 100 is the average IQ, with anything below that number indicating a less than average intelligence and anything over that indicating above average intelligence. In general, with an IQ like that a person can do very well, but the IQ is less important than how a person uses his intelligence and his/her motivation to succeed. Some very successful people have not been blessed with that high of an IQ number.
Any good IQ test is adjusted for a number of variables such as age, culture, education, etc., and constructed so that a score of 100 is considered average for the specific group being tested. A score of 122 for anyone, of any age, places that individual above agerage within his/her test group. However, any IQ score should be considered as an indicator of an individual's potential. What's more important is how well one applies oneself to maximize that potential.
129 is bordering close to genius. But, being 12 with that I.Q. is brilliant. I know because I am.
------------------ 129 is great; for any age. Being 12 with an IQ of 129 is no different than having one at 14 or even 2.
IQ tests are specialized for each age group. If this was taken online you may want to hesitate in believing the outcome because it is most likely not created for your age group. Also, taking an IQ test for older people when you are young and getting a high IQ generally does not mean you surpass the majority of that age group. I have gotten IQ scores that tell me I reach above 140. I, too, am 14. Obviously, this does not make me a genius or smarter than the IQ test's intended age group. Take a test with Mensa ( ) for accurate results. *over confidence leads to failure*
As you can see below, you are in the "Superior" range and possibly the "Very Superior" range, since the error range of your IQ Score is large enough to include the "Very Superior" category. Of course this is all assuming that your score is from a reputable test such as the Weschler or Stanford-Binet.
IQ is most validly used as a predictor of success (grades) in college.
(Wechsler Tests)
IQ Percentile RangeClassification Score Percentile Classification
130 + 98 to 99.99 Very Superior
120 to 129 91 to 97 Superior
110 to 119 75 to 90 High Average
90 to 109 25 to 73 Average
80 to 89 9 to 23 Low Average
70 to 79 2 to 8 percentile Borderline
69 and below .01 to 2 percentile Intellectual Deficient
first of all don't state your ageee it makes no difference what so ever, since when you are given your IQ you are asked for your age which is taken into account so really your IQ maybe say 110 for an adult but due to your age pushed up.
So your question actually is is an IQ of 129, well 100 being average. Yes it is considerably high although 140 or 150 plus is where the real genuises lie.
Genius scores have been considered 140, 160, and 180 by different people.
129 is a good IQ for a 12 yr old.
However, the average 25 yr old's IQ is 100. So you're liable to do very well!
Your just bragging, you'll know Intelligence Quotient doesn't change no matter how old you are. Yes, 129 IQ is good for your age. That means you have a 97th percentile and can get in Talented and Gifted program. Since, your asking this you must've taken a internet IQ test, which are not very accurate. If you want a real IQ score I suggest asking school officials or going to a psycologist.
~written by a 12 year old with the same IQ~
for me it is good..
Yes it is an iq over 120 is considered superior but i had 129 when i was 13
Very good!
Yes it is certainly good. A person that has an IQ between 90 and 110 is considered average.
IQ is relatively unimportant in the scheme of things. What is important is how well a person functions in the world, not numbers that indicate how well he or she did on an artificial test given under artificial conditions. For the "record," 129 is in the high normal range on most tests.
Superior IQ Score
By definition, 100 is an average IQ (for any age) and anything above 100 is a superior IQ.
It is considered superior with about 6.7% of the population falling in the 120-129 range. It is in the 91st percentile. Pharmacists, Accountants, School Teachers, and Nurses are professions that people with the IQ frequently have.
Yes, 133 is a good IQ for a 20 year old male.
Yes, that is good and well above the average. Anything from 90 to 110 is average.
An IQ score of 129 falls within the range of what is typically considered above average intelligence. IQ scores are standardized measures of cognitive ability, with 100 being the average score. A score of 129 would place an individual in the top 15% of the population in terms of intelligence. It is important to note that IQ scores are just one measure of intelligence and do not capture all aspects of cognitive ability or potential.
115 - 129