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Q: Is 11 stone overweight for a girl 5'11?
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Is a 11 year old girl 5ft tall and 6 stone overweight?


Is 19 stone overweight for a 11 year old boy?

yes, very overweight. But if you mean 9 stones thats fine depending on your height.

Is a 14 year old girl that is quite tall but weighs 11 stone over weight?

how tall are you? to put things in perspective i am 15years old 5ft 6 weigh bout 11 and a half stone and i am overweight by about a stone. i dont really know weather this helps but hope it does.

Am i fat im 8 stone and 11 years old?

yes your overweight

Is a 6' 2 110 pounds 11 year old girl overweight?

Definitely. A 6'2 110 pounds, 11 year old girl is extremely overweight.

What is overweight for a 11 year old girl that 4.5 and is 165 pounds?

4'5? probably about 90 pounds is overweight.

You are 11 years old 1 weigh 7 and a half stone can you tell you are you overweight?


Is a 5 stone 5 lb - or 77 pound - 4' 11 11-year-old overweight?

Nope, it's fine.

Is 11 stone fat for a 11 year old girl?


Are you overweight if you are aged 15 5 foot 11 and 10 stone 1 lb please answer truthfully?


Is an 8 stone 5' 11-year-old overweight?

thats probably about average considering your height.

If a 11-year-old girl weighs 120 lbs and is 5'0 is she overweight?
