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I 5"1 and 12 in ahalf and I weigh 105 but it could be pueberty so no I say your in the heavy normal range

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Q: Is 117 pounds overweight for a 13 year old who is 5'2?
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No. He is not overweight.

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4'5? probably about 90 pounds is overweight.

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Is 140 pounds overweight for a 13-year-old boy who is 5'4''?

Yes, a bit overweight

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Definitely. A 6'2 110 pounds, 11 year old girl is extremely overweight.

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Yes. Quite a lot overweight too.

Is a 117 pounds for a 12 year old bad?

How tall are you. Height and weight go together as well as body type. Ask your school nurse if you are underweight or overweight or within the correct parameters.

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Is 50 pounds overweight for a 9 year old?

no way it is 120