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i think it is a average weight for an 111lb 13 year old girl...

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Q: Is 111lb for a 5 foot 2 13 years old over weight?
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No you are not over weight.

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probably not, it depends on how tall you are. If you are taller then 5 foot, no

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You are not over weight

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I am 5 feet tall and 14 years old, and my weight is 104 but I think that's a little over average.

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you are at a normal ,weight, but on the heavy side

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the average weight would be 90 - 100 pounds.

You are 10 years old and you are 4 foot 8 you weigh 90 pounds Are you over weight?

no you should just eat nutritional foods and GET ACTIVE and STAY ACTIVE!!!

I am 13 years old and weigh 125 and my height is 5 foot 3 am i over weight?

no way. I'm 14 and weigh 140 pounds. dude you're fine.

If you are 4 foot 7 inches and my weight is 80 pounds am i overweight?

No you are not over weight. You actually sound quite thin.

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I'm 5 foot 2 and weight 7st 11 lbs and I'm the ideal weight for my height so you are definitely not over weight! if anything you are probably under...

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Depends if ur a guy or girl

Amam very athletic and 5 foot 4 135 pounds is this over weight?
