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A subcutaneous injection

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Q: Injection into the fatty tissue should be what?
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Related questions

When giving a subcutaneous injection to an obese patient the nurse should give the injection at what angle?

A 90 degree angle is recommended but for obese patient the critical factor is for the Sc to be administered ti the fatty tissue and not the muscle of just under the epidermis.

How deep should a subcutaneous injection be administered?

For a subcutaneous injection, you only go just under the skin, into the fatty layer. The needle usually goes in at a 45-degree angle, or 90 degrees if thereโ€™s more fat. The depth is about 1/4 to 3/4 of an inch, depending on the site and the needle size.

When administering a subcutanous injection why would you avoid an injection site that is hardened or fatty?

when administering a subcutaneous injection why would you avoid an injection site thats hardened or fatty

Where do you give a sub q injection?

Subcutaneous (subQ) injections are typically given in the fatty tissue layer between the skin and the muscle, usually in the abdomen, thigh, or upper outer arm. Make sure to rotate injection sites to prevent irritation or tissue damage.

What injection site is most appropriate for a subcutaneous injection for a patient with cachexia and little peripheral subcutaneous tissue?

For obese patient, pinch skin at site and inject needle at 90-degree angle below tissue fold. Rationale: Obese patients have fatty layer of tissue above subcutaneous layer.25 ~ Mosbys Nursing Skills

What tissue insulates the body?

adipose connective tissue

What is a vitiamin that dissolves in fats and can be stired in the fatty tissue?

A fatty acid.

Is fat adipose tissue?

Yes, adipose tissue is another name for fatty tissue.

Fatty tissue can be found in the?


Is fat an adipose tissue?

Yes, adipose tissue is another name for fatty tissue.

What contains insulating fatty tissue?

Adipose tissue stores fat for insulation.

What could cause a fatty tissue?

Excess fat accumulation in Adipost tissue.