The collecting ducts from the nephrons empty immediately into the renal pelvis or pyelum. The renal pelvis is part of the ureter that collects urine.
renal pelvis
The individual units of the kidney, called nephrons, produce urine and empty into structures called collecting ducts. Many nephrons empty into a single collecting duct. Similarly, many collecting ducts empty into a minor calyx. Minor calyces empty into a major calyx, and the major calyces empty into the singular renal pelvis (each kidney has a single pelvis). The renal pelvis empties into the ureter.
Papillary ducts are narrow tubes in the kidney that merge to form the renal papilla. They empty urine into the renal calyces within the renal sinus.
The common bile duct and main pancreatic duct both empty into the duodenal ampulla. These ducts facilitate the transport of bile and pancreatic enzymes into the duodenum to aid in digestion.
The collecting ducts converge to form larger ducts known as papillary ducts. These papillary ducts then empty urine into the renal calyces, which are part of the renal pelvis where urine collects before being drained into the ureters.
The distal convoluted tubules flow directly into collecting ducts within the kidney, where final modifications to the urine occur before it is delivered to the renal pelvis.
the exocrine gland.
When you cry tears come out because of the ducts empty out your eye fluids that turn into tears.
They are all in the Abdominal Cavity.