The protagonist in Coraline is a young girl named Coraline Jones, who discovers a hidden doorway in her new home that leads to a parallel world where everything seems perfect at first.
Didnt he invent Braille? Seems self explanatory
Everything is never as it seems
Everything is not what it seems
While GPS is helpful it is not the most important invention of all time. Some would say computers are the most important invention of all time. However what powers both of these things? Electricity seems to be the most important invention of all time.
Yes they can. my sister is i know she is because i read everything about them and she seems to be everything they are.
Everything that happens seems like deja vu to you.
Everything is not what it seems
invention the Indians invented is the number zero. seems like we dont really need it but it can be important
Sir Bedivere discovers what appears to be King Arthur's grave at Glastonbury Abbey. He sees a tombstone inscribed with Arthur's name and the words "Here lies Arthur, the once and future king." This discovery symbolizes the legendary king's enduring legacy.
Everything seems strange because Athena covers him in a mist.