you don't love him any more and you should probably move on because who would want to be with some one you don't love
what should i do? i love my boyfriend, but my feelings for this girl are so strong, and were so alike its rediculas.. and im afraid that if i break up with my boyfriend for this girl everything will be messed up... what do i do.
Yes boys are animals and if they see something they like they will chase after it but he is your boyfriend and tell your boyfriend how you feel remember dont hide your feelings
Tell him that you are losing feelings for him and you want to give your relationship a break...and im terribly sorry.** tell him that you have love for him but your not in love with him any more and things aren't how they use to be and that you need some time to yourself and mabey you cann work it out later **
Ask yourself whether your current boyfriend would be truly worth losing should you decide to break up with him and pursue your first love. Take a good look at your current relationship and weigh the pros and cons of losing it. You may find that losing your current boyfriend isn't worth taking the chance on an old love, or you may find that it just isn't going to go anywhere as long as you have feelings for your old boyfriend.
just tell ur boyfriend that he is just a friend and that u don't have any feelings for him
In this case you should be honest, tell your ex that you still have feelings for him. But, im going to be honest, don't let your current boyfriend find out about it. Tell your ex boyfriend that you still have feelings for him and you know its wrong because you are both dating other people. But mention that you havent yet moved on. & when you admitt you still have feelings for him, reminisce about the things that happened between the two of you.
The question is does she love you ???? She may be madly in love with her boyfriend. You need to investigate her feelings towards you and then take your action i know but... ugh!
Im Yoona's boyfriend is not certainly known.
In this situation, it is important to be honest and communicate with both your boyfriend and the guy who asked you out. Let the guy know that you appreciate his interest but that you are currently in a relationship and committed to your boyfriend. It is crucial to prioritize your feelings and commitments to your partner.
It is normal to dream about what is on one's mind. So if there are lingering feelings for the ex boyfriend, the dreams are reflections of those feelings. The dreams do not reveal anything about the ex boyfriend's feelings.
stay with your boyfriend. trust me.