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You will need to explain to your family how you feel. It is illegal in some states to date a cousin.

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Q: Im in love with my cousin but im scared about what will my family think?
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Is it ok to fall in love with your cousin?

I don't think so...

How much does your cousin love you?

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Well you are always supposed to love any kind of family member. In law, adopted, or what ever the case. But I dont think it's good to date a family member

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Ich liebe dich, Cousin I love your cousin: Ich liebe deinen Cousin

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How do you say I love you to my cousin in creative wYs?

You can always tell your cousin you love them. But it is not commen to love your cousin like a girlfriend or boyfriend.

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if a guy loves his family more than you his girlfriend he might be scared to probably hurt you just talk to him about it

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Answer Love? I think so, sometimes.

How can you tell your cousin that you love although you know that he love someone else?

I think the girl not tell her feelings to him becoz if she do that she can lose her cousin n never get her relation back as like it is right now as his cousin love some one else so she should back off n do not come between in their lives.

Can you date some one if your family says your cousins. but yall didnt find out until later on and yall are in love?

there is nothing to stop you 2 from dating if you really are in love i think its a matter of opinion .. like ,, i know some people who think its disgusting if cousins date and i have a friend that is actually dating her cousin but if your family wouldn't like it if they knew you are dating then just keep it a secret ;)

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