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I wouldn't panic to much, just enjoy your life and carry on as normal. Because your 14 your period pattern probabely hasn't settled, a similar thing happened to me, if it goes to long without having one then maybe try seeing a doctor, keeping calm will be the best thing to do :)

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Q: Im 14 and ive missed 2 periods im a virgin could it be stress?
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You have missed your periods by 2 months i am 16 yrs old. is it normal?

No. It could be influenced by stress, malnutrition, or sickness. Besides pregnancy.

You missed your priod for month and 11 days?

Is there a possibility you could be pregnant? Stress can also cause women to skip periods. To be sure, you should see a gynecologist.

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If you're usually regular, there could be a number of reasons you missed your last 2 periods. The most likely reason is that you are pregnant. However, if you have ruled out pregnancy, stress, illness, diet, and hormonal changes could all be culprits. See your doctor to find the cause and treat the problem.

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I don't think fibroids cause missed periods, if anything they make them longer and heavier. Causes of a missed period: Stress Emotional disturbance Over-dieting Over-exercising

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wow that's a stupid question of course not you cant get pregnant if u do have sex and if u havent missed any periods

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If you missed your periods for a month and two weeks, contact a doctor. You could be pregnant or suffering from a medical condition.

Have missed 2 periods and having some mini hot flashes could this be the beginning of menopause?

If you missed 2 periods and have been having hot flashes, it could be a sign of menopause. It would be best to see your doctor if you are worried.

What could be wrong if you don't get one of your regular periods?

You could have the chance of being pregnant. But there are also other factors that could affect this: stress, phys. activity, being overweight/underweight. If you have been sexually active recently and missed your periods your might want to take a test. Birth Control can also mess up the cycle as well.

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ok it may be symptoms and could be likely but ther is a chance it isn't take a test to be sure

What is wrong if you have irregular periods and didn't get your monthly period for a long time?

Irregular periods and missed periods could be caused by various factors such as hormonal imbalances, stress, pregnancy, thyroid issues, or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). It is important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment.