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Vaginal bleeding can occur during pregnancy, which may be mistaken for a period. Any time you have unprotected sex, you are at risk of becoming pregnant.

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Q: If your period was 2 weeks apart last month for the 1st time but this month you were 1 week late could you be pregnant?
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I missed my period last month and it still hasn't came on this month could i be pregnant?


Your last period date was 15 and this month it has started 25 may could you still be pregnant?

No. If you still have you period, you cant be pregnant.

If you had protected sex a little over a month ago and have a period could you be pregnant?


You are sixteen years old and you had protected sex about a month ago but this month your period did not come could you be pregnant?

yes you possobly could be pregnant I doubt you are pregnant. When you have sex it tends to affect your period. It puts it off a little longer than you should. You are just worriying, and by thinking that you could be pregnant could also affect your period. It could be a mind over matter thing where you believe you are pregnant and therefore you could get the symptoms of being pregnant. I would get the test done but don't worry about it too much.

Can you get your period the first month you get pregnant?

If you are having a period, you re not pregnant. You cannot be pregnant until after your last period.

If you just had a normal period with a normal flow and had protected sex a month ago could you be pregnant?


Are you pregnant if you dont have your period one month but you get it the month after that?

No you are not

Could you be pregnant if you had your period and next month it only took 2 days?

no because if you are pregnant you wouldn't even get you period unless you've lost you're baby!

Could you be pregnant if you have a period for a month?

Yes, bleeding while pregnant is possible, though unlikely. You may want to speak with your doctor.

Your period is a month late how far along could you be?

Anywhere between 1 month and 2 months pregnant. Take a pregnancy test

I got your period in the begein of this month and then i had spotting in the middle of the month and now am feel sick could i be pregnant.?

if you have had sew latly then yes there is a chance.

Can you get pregnant if you had intercourse one week after your period with no protection but got your period the following month?

If you get your period you aren't pregnant.