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Yes! Sometimes what you think is a period, is actually implantation bleeding, assuming it's lighter and shorter than your average period. Also, some women have been known to have a period for up to three months during their pregnancy. Take a home pregnancy test and if that's negative and you're still unsure, make a doctors appointment and get a blood test done. It's important to know for the sake of your potential bundle of joy.

Answeryes you could be pregnant. concult a dr.
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Q: If your period comes on the actual day its suppose to but you have had extreme pregnancy symptoms for two weeks before and you feel tired and want to throw up all the time can you be pregnant?
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It depends. Very early in a pregnancy they can be extremely inaccurate. When I was trying to find out if I was pregnant I took 6 pregnancy tests. 4 of them read negative and the other two read positive. I WAS pregnant. EPT usually seems to be very accurate. I suppose it depends how far along the woman is and which test they use.

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I had my menses on 10 November and am suppose to have had it again on 5 December but it has still not come am also not feeling any symptoms but my breast is heavy is it possible that am pregnant?

There is a possibility of wanting to go an get a test just in case...... I would if I were you....

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Well, I just positive today and have had a yeast infection for the last three. I have had five pregnancies (2 ended in miscarriage) and every time I got a yeast infection just days before testing positive. Other than pregnancy I have had two infections, both at the end of taking antibiotics. However, for pregnancy, it is just a coincidence.On my first pregnancy, I had a yeast infection, I thought it was the reason I wasn't having my period. Well, my husband ask me if I could be pregnant. I kept telling him no just give it another day or two. Well, two weeks after my period was suppose to start we found out that we WERE PREGNANT. So, I would just say, if you think you might be, before you go to the store for some over the counter treatment, pick up a pregnancy test. You can never be too sure.When I was pregnant I read just about everything dealing with pregnancy and never read or heard anything like that. Have you taken any antibiotics? They almost always cause yeast infections.

When you are pregnant is your stomach suppose to hurt?

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