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That depends on whether it is a girl or boy. Boys can continue to grow until they are about 25, but when a girl gets her period she usually won't grow much taller.

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Q: If your only 5 feet and 14 years old will you grow any taller?
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Can a 14 year old that is 5 feet 7 inches grow 3 more inches?

Are you talking about Taylor Momsen here? That'll depend on your puberty. If you're a girl, your period will depend it. After 2-3 years of your first period, you won't grow much, a little only. If you're a boy, you'll definitely grow taller, until you've reached your full height.

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Wadlow is ALOT taller. Wadllow was 8'11" while Shaquille was only 7'1". Wadlow was almost 2 feet taller!

When do mini schnauzers start to grow taller?

They grow from birth to about one year of age. After that they only gain or lose weight.

What vitamin should a 13-year-old boy take to grow taller?

Nothing you take will make you grow taller. Your DNA will determine how much you will grow, taking things like calciuim only provide the material to grow your bones...its up to your body to do it.

If you are a 5' 4 16-year-old can you grow any taller?

I don't think you can make yourself taller. I am 20 and only 5' 2!

Can you grow taller with only simple exercise?

If you have finished growing, in other words if you are an adult, you cannot grow significantly taller through exercise. For more information about growing taller, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

How tall will a dogwood tree grow?

Dogwood trees typically grow to be 15-30 feet tall, depending on the species and growing conditions. Some varieties can reach up to 40 feet in height, while others may stay smaller at around 10-15 feet.