You might have the gene, but you might not. It depends what genes have been passed on. Say your great grandfather received that gene and passed it to your grandfather who passed it on to your dad. Then it can be passed onto you, but it might not. And your father or grandfather might not have received the gene. Then they could not pass it to you.
It depends on wether or not the black haired person has any redhead genes in his/her family. If they got a redhead gene from one of their parents, grandparents, ect. Then it's possible...
Yes, of course they can. The redhead gene (or any other gene for that matter) can skip generations. Two people with naturally blonde hair can have a child with brown hair, you cant say what colour hair a child will have just based on what colour it's parents hair is alone.
No, a brunette has more hair follicles than a redhead and a blonde. A blonde however; has more than a redhead.
In Hawaiian, "redhead" can be translated to "puaʻala."
do you have hair?......
He was a redhead, he had ginger hair.
He was a redhead.
Each and every person has the same set of genes - about 20,000 in all. The differences between people come from slight variations in these genes. For example, a person with red hair doesn't have the "red hair gene" while a person with brown hair has the "brown hair gene." Instead, all people have genes for hair color, and different versions of these genes dictate whether someone will be a redhead or a brunette.
He said he does. He said he like all hair colors. Which is great for me because I'm a redhead
"La pelirroja" means "the redhead" in Spanish, referring to a woman with red hair.
She never had red hair.