well if she wears skirts it means shes tired of giving free peaks to someone(s) and if not she probably got recommended to wear them to reduce rubbing rashes from pants/jeans and such. she could be using a pad instead of a tampon. she might like it but never knew. lastly peer pressure from others might of pushed her to wear underwear *GASP*... she also might think you believe shes dirty for not wearing them.
Triremes is a tipe of underwear wich starts at your ankels and you were as a huge dress
It means He likes you like a Friend, not a GirlFriend.
People think he does but he realy doesnt. on the movie he just acts but it realy doesnt mean that its real.
Saying you love your ex does not mean you are in love with him.
well you can go on a date with him and have fun but that doesnt mean that you are his girlfriend or that he loves you
tears of joy
Because she doesnt know what shes saying. She doesnt mean it.
That probably means she is trying to make your girlfriend jealous...Maybe. It depends on what kind of person she is.
yes she is! but that doesnt mean that everyone starts hating her and starts calling her weird!! everyone is diffrent and beautiful in there own way! and i know she is because if u watch her singing "hey there delilah" at "the voice" it shows the people supporting her and it says mom and girlfriend! hope i helped :)
Playing hard to get.
its means that he doesnt like being tied,he like to be free,free to flirt or wateva.He doesnt like someone on his side saying can you,dis and dat
it means he left her.