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Q: If your boyfriend is your only sex partner is he responsible if you are diagnosed as having a std?
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Is it bad if you dont have a boyfriend by the time you are 23?

Not at all ! Its entirely a personal choice when, or if to find a partner. There's nothing weird about someone not having a boyfriend at the age of 23.

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Is it important to have a bf in life?

Having a life partner is a beautiful and truly life enhancing experience, providing that you find the right partner. Don't rush into a relationship simply because you feel the need to experience having a boyfriend. Wait for the right guy and fall in love the right way, at the right time with the right person.

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All girls are intrested in having a boyfriend, its natural.

Why is your name not on the registration of your lease vehicle?

Methinks what you want to know is why your partner hasn't included your name on the lease for the vehicle. If that's true, then you have to talk with your partner and find out what's going on. But then again, if you are not married to that partner then not having your name on the lease means that you are not legally responsible for the monthly payments and that debt. Choose wisely.

What are the signs that you partner is having an on-line affair?

ANSWER: When it comes to our spouse, partner or even boyfriend, it will be hard to predict what they are thinking. The only way you can know if your partner is having relationship from on line site, is when he always stay up very late at night while your asleep. He always change his passwords so you can't open his account. You will noticed that he is always alert about what he was doing on line when you are around. You can add more because you are the only one that knows your partner. But what I told you always do happen.

What if your partner last partner is HIV positive?

That means, you could get HIV by having sex with him/her.

If both you and your partner are both virgins and have never had any of the forms of sex can either one get a STD from having oral sex?

If you or your partner have NOT engaged in any sexual activity where fluid has been present, then no... you are your partner will not have an STD from having oral sex. If you or your partner have NOT engaged in any sexual activity where fluid has been present, then no... you are your partner will not have an STD from having oral sex.

How do you deal with not having a boyfriend?

i deal with not having a boyfriend by going to sleep early, and keeping my mind and self very busy.....

What is monogomous?

Having a single sexual partner.