turned over
Expensing is the process of spreading the cost over an asset's useful life.
Probably not, the pencil should have toppled over when the joker shoved the goon's eye in it.
The top of a pencil is called an eraser. It is used to remove graphite marks from paper by rubbing it over the pencil strokes.
There are over 800 pencil puzzle FAQ on WikiAnswers.
IT hasn't
.380 colt stick a pencil in the barrel, jamb a potato over the pencil onto the barrel, remove the pencil
They keep a wide base. What's easier to knock over, a cone or a pencil? The pencil, because it has a smaller base.
In order to see imprints on a piece of paper, simply find a crayon or a pencil. Then lightly run the side of the crayon or pencil on its side over the text. The words should appear through the shaded parts.
Distributing over a surface in a layer:
she got stabbed in the face. it was all over youtube. the video had blood all over the place