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Only if you earn it. I said EARN it.

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Q: If you want something bad enough will you get it?
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Depends on how big you dream ;) But ideally if you want something bad enough, you try hard.

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i don't see why not! don't ever back down! and if you want something bad enough you should just go for it!

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Change is a conscious, willful decision. Want something bad enough. Be the change, don't just wish.

Where there a will there a way?

it means that if you want something bad enough you'll fight to get it. No it also means if the thing your talking about exists, there will be a way to do whatever your wanting to do with it.

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Her music and how much it touched the hearts of people and showed that if you want something bad enough you can get it if you try

Where there's a will theres a way?

it means that if you want something bad enough you'll fight to get it. No it also means if the thing your talking about exists, there will be a way to do whatever your wanting to do with it.

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no. its not bad to want something, you just have to work for it.

Where there's a will there's a way meaning?

it means that if you want something bad enough you'll fight to get it. No it also means if the thing your talking about exists, there will be a way to do whatever your wanting to do with it.

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it can if the person is strong enough and why would you want to know? do you have something against puppies or something?

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all of em if they want you bad enough.

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A good thought is that you feel good about something like you want to get flowers for someone. A bad thought is that you might want to do something ad to someone.

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No, it depends if you want something bad enough and want to work hard enough for it then it shouldn't matter what order your born in , but sometimes it does and you end up with an effect and cant study or work hard