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Yes, but only if you keep it there for at leat 3 years continuously. So, not really going to work then is it...

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Q: If you put your finger in between your teeth will they get straight?
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Where is the ring finger located?

The ring finger is located between the little and middle finger on each hand. The ring finger is the fourth finger on a human hand and is used to put the wedding ring on.

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When was Put the Finger on You created?

Put the Finger on You was created in 1981.

Which finger is the ring finger?

The fourth finger of the left hand is tradtionally the 'ring finger' this the finger next to the pinkie on the left hand. Anyway, the ring finger is the finger between your pinkie and middle finger. If you are going to give someone a ring though, make sure you put it on their left hand, ring finger.

What is the blue ring the dentist put it in between of my teeths?

they are teeth spacers for an apliance

Why did your doctor put rubberbands between your teeth?

An Orthodontist will put rubber bands between the teeth to increase the space there. This may be necessary to get the metal bracket anchors in place. It takes time, but the constant pressure will make them move.

My guinea pig is 5 months old and she bites a lot it is not a nibble Her cage is big and I don't hold her wrong She bites me even when she is on my bed and I just put my finger near her?

Four ways: 1) Don't hold her. 2) Don't put her on your bed. 3) Don't put your finger near her. 4) Pull her teeth.

Who can put braces on your teeth?

An orthodontist can put braces on your teeth

When you touch something with your finger is real touch means no space between finger and object?

Right. There would be no space between your finger and the object in question, in order to touch. Sort of like if Deanie Etcetera put her finger on Mitch Longley's... face, there would be no space between Deanie's finger and Mitch face. Answer: All object include molecules have space between them physics theory about 5 rings instead molecules and nucleus.

Where to put promise ring?

You put it on your ring finger. That is the finger that the wedding ring goes on.

How do you aim the wooden stake?

To start off, place the stake in between your ring finger and thumb. Put your pinky finger gently alongside your ring finger. Use your middle finger and your index finger to aim. Throw the stake sidearm, and aim just above the chest.

What is a brace for your tooth?

'Braces' are pieces of metal (called brackets) which are fixed onto your teeth. They are connected by a metal wire running through them. Braces are used by orthodontics and are fixed onto teeth. The brackets and the wire put pressure on the teeth and move them into being in the perfect, straight position, leaving you with perfect straight teeth! every six weeks or so the orthodontist will tighten the wire on the braces (roughly six weeks is how long it takes for teeth to move into their new positions) and this will gradually move the teeth into the correct positon. -