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Q: If you live with people who dont clean their bathroom and they urinate on the floor.can this make you sick and how?
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Related questions

What does a clean bathroom contribute to?

A clean bathroom contributes to better health and cleanliness. By being clean it makes others more attentive to keeping clean. It really helps if you are getting clean in a clean bathroom.

Do sharks use the bathroom?

they swim and use the bathroom

Which one has more bacteria boys or girls bathroom?

Depends how clean the people who use it are.

How do Fat people who cant move or roll over go to the bathroom For exapmle if a person weighed 700-1000 Pounds and They cant move OR roll over to stick a bed pan under them how?

They just urinate or defecate where they lay. Someone has to come & clean them & their bed linens afterwards.

What are bathroom wipes for?

Too clean your but when your done using the bathroom

What are the procedures in bathroom cleaning?

Have to keep bathroom clean everyday.

Are vanities bathroom good for people?

The vanities bathroom is very good for people. It is very easy to clean up and has a lot of color choices for choosing from. The material of it is very durable and the price is very attractive.

Which chemical is used to clean sinks in the bathroom?

R1-bathroom cleaning

What is proper bathroom ettiquette for walking dogs?

Don't let your dog urinate on someone's lawn when someone is looking or the owner of the lawn is watching you or near. At least try to not have your dog use someone's lawn as a bathroom. Usually let your dog relieve itself in a park. Always clean up after them. Always be prepared with a doggie bag or a plastic bag.

Do you have to clean your penis different when you urinate and your penis is circumsized?

No, i woudn't say so.

How many calories do you burn when you clean the bathroom?


Why do Japanese children clean the bathroom?

because its dirty?..