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what I would do is if you like a friend that dont let them know off the bat so dont burt it out quickly. Another thing is that dont come on to strong or else he or she will think that you are a little weird. So my advice is to maybe keep it on the down low for a while you can give him or her a hint but dont worry about it because once the person gets to see and know you a little better they will eventually like you back.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Would you like him/her back, that's the answer you should ask yourself.

If you do go ahead say you like him/her back !!

But if you don't like them..

No need to brag, but people tell me that someone likes me or the actual person says it to me about once per month... In form of text.. when they tell me "you're hot" or something like that I just say "Ook then!" It's not rude, but hey! I'm not being a jerk and showing them that I don't care!

In person is a lot harder. Breaking the news in a wrong way could DESTROY them, and you. Remember: One thing leads to another, so be careful with everything! In person: Just smile, and say "Ok! That's good to know!" Another thing to do: Get yourself out of the awkward situation, if it is awkward. "Oh, crap! I have to go, but I'll talk to you tomorrow!"

See how it works?? You DO NOT want to be rude about it. This could put your reputation ON THE LINE. Not a good place to be at any age.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Nothing! The heart wants what the heart wants. Your perfect match will come along! But if you won't sit around doing nothing think of ways to impress him what are his or her'll find away!

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βˆ™ 16y ago

i like someone,his name is arlondo rubio. i like someone,his name is arlondo rubio.

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