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You should tell them how you feel about them in the most comfortable way for you, and if they feel the same way, then you can decide between you whether to give things a go. If he doesn't, you should be friends and see how things progress. but im a different person and if ur in high school then get one of ur m8s to snoop about and ask them questions but if you have no m8s then ur sad and just go up 2 him/her and say that u like them and if they reject u then move schools.

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10y ago
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15y ago

Try to find a way to see him more often. It's hard to kindle a relationship by distance. If you are friends now, you might start out by getting together on MySpace or YouTube. Ask him if you can send him a friend request. Then, just talk to him like he's a friend, you know,don't suddenly smother him with messages.

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14y ago

just forget about it and if it makes you more mader just be with your friends. if u really like this boy just tell him how you feel and if he dosent care just tell him you and him can be good friends for awhile. and next thing you no he is going to like you. just look pretty for this boy.

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15y ago

ask him out dont be shy it worked for me

-keep confident, look UNREACHABLE, you've gotim!!

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16y ago

ask him. or flirt.

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Q: If you like a boy but you are not sure he likes you what should you do?
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if a boy liked you see if he realy likes you and if he realy likes you and if he likes you you should ask him out

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Ask him who he likes on IM or something then if he says idk say you used to like him but you aren't sure now ... it worked for me

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i think you should tell the boy how you feel

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Make sure he doesn't know but say to your mum and dad that you don't want to go

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ya sure you should. you should always be up front with a guy you like. tell him. if he likes you it will work, and if he doesn't it wont.

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I think that the best thing to do is to tell him. Sure, he doesn't like you, but he deserves to know how you feel

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No! You tell him!