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Well, since your period will begin because you stopped the pills, wait for the period to end (or wait 7 days after your last dose) and begin a new pack. Throw the old pack away. See your doctor for more hints and tips on taking your Birth Control effectively and what to do when you miss a dose. Note from the Author: This answer has been provided by a medical professional, but not a medical doctor. The advice or answer located above should NOT take the place of your primary care physician's medical advice. Furthermore, this answer has been provided in accordance with WikiAnswers and disclaimers and policies. Do not reveal personal information within questions, as this is an anonymous service. In an emergency, hang up and dial 911 or your local emergency number. Contact your physician's exchange (usually provided through his/her office number) if you have questions or concerns after business hours. The author of this answer is not responsible for misguided or misinformed attempts to follow this advice. ALWAYS ask your doctor if you have questions or concerns about your or your child's health and do not use WikiAnswers as a substitute for proper medical advice and care provided by your personal physician.

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Q: If you have a period after you stop the pills for 2 days can you count it as regular period?
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Do periods stop even if you're on birth control pills?

With the traditional birth control pill you take a cycle of pills every day for 21 days and then 7 days of sugar pills. In the 7 days of the sugar pills you have a period. Today, there are pills that skip the 7 days of pills and you stay on pills for 3 months and then after the cycle of 3 months you have a period. In both cases after the period you start a new cycle of pills.

Period been on for 20 days you have low blood count cant spell the word but you take iron pills twice aday should you be concern?

If you have been having your period for 20 days PLEASE consult a doctor immediately!

When does your period start on pills?

Hi, Your period will usually occur during the period you take the non-active pills or have a break from taking your pills. The break lasts for 7 days and your period will occur any time during the 7 days.

If I started the pill 7 days ago and am now on the light blue ones and I'm supposed to get my period now will I miss my period and will it come on the inactive pills or should I be worried?

No you have no reason to be worried. You may have a period once you get to the inactive pills, you may have some break through bleeding before your period. All of this is normal and your periods will become very regular and possibly lighter after a couple months on the pills.

If you have just been given loestrin 20 from your doctor after the 21 days of pills do you have your period and go back to the pill once you're finished with your period?

Hi, When the pack has finished or the active pills, then you should get your period. After 7 days you restart a new pack of pills.

Will birth control pills change the amount of days you have your period?

Yes, normally birth control pills will reduce the number of days of bleeding.

Is it normal for you to have a period before the sugar pills?

Yes. The sugar pills do nothing but keep track of your days.

You took two pills to act as a morning after pill on your last two days of regular pills before your period can you get pregnant still?

If you took the birth control pill as prescribed, there was no need to take the morning after pill. Pregnancy is possible, but not likely.

How many days after do you get your period when taking white inactive pills do you have to finish the white inacative pills to get your period?

hi. My sugar pills start on a Wednesday and I usually get my period that Friday. Then it continues until Tuesday the next week.

When do you count the days for your missed period?

pregnancy tests will only detectafter 5 days of your missed period

When going into the last 7 days of pills how many days into those pills would a person start their period?

Its different in everyone. But usually anytime within the 7 day period and sometimes on the 1st day you start taking the pills again.

Is it normal for your period to start four days after taking a 21 days contraceptive pills?
