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Q: If you have a fever that remains over 101 degrees for more than two days whichaction should you take?
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Is a fever of 36.6 degrees Celsius normal during pregnancy?

This is the normal body temperature of a person, so it is not a fever. A fever has to be above 37 degrees Celsius or 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit to be considered a fever. A significant fever is defined as being 38.0 degrees Celsius or 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is a fever in Fahrenheit?

Average human body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Fevers should be diagnosed by doctors.

What is a 100.3 fever?

A fever of 100.3 Degrees. However, because your normal body temperature is 98.6, it's not that big of a fever. You should keep an eye on it and if it rises a lot, call the doctor.

How high does the temperature have to be to not be at school?

If a child even has a slight fever of 99 degrees, they should not go to school. If a child has a fever, they are contagious and should not be around other children to spread whatever it is they have.

How many degrees is a fever?

About at a 100 degrees

Is it possibel to have a fever of 139 degrees and still live?

No; it is not possible to have a fever of 139 degrees and still live.

How do you write a sentence using fever?

I had a fever. My fever was 101 degrees.

How dangerous is a body temp of 106.5 for an adult man?

Yes, a temperature of 102 means that adult is running a fever.

How much is a fever in Celsius?

Average human body temperature is 37 C. Anything over 38 C (100.4) is a fever. Fevers should be diagnosed by physicians.

Is 38 celsius considered a high fever?

A body temperature of 38 degrees Celsius is considered a low-grade fever. It is slightly elevated but not typically a cause for serious concern. Fever thresholds can vary, so it is best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

What temp is too high for an adult?

An adult with a fever has an abnormally elevated body temperature over 100.4 degrees F (38 C). Elderly individuals with a fever should be managed carefully. The following adults should be evaluated by a physician: * An adult with a fever over 102.9 degrees F (39.4 C) * An adult over 65 years old with a fever over 101.9 degrees F (38.8 C) * An adult with a fever that lasts longer than 3 days Types of fever include: * Low-grade fever: ** Temperature less than 101 degrees F (38.3 C) * High-grade fever: ** Temperature over 104 degrees F (40 C)

Is 101.2 Fahrenheit fever?

Average human body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Fevers should be diagnosed by a doctor.