Cervical cauterization is a form of treatment for cervical erosion. Yes, you should expect to bleed a little after having this procedure.
Go and see a doctor.
a discription of a cauterization is treating tissue with heat.
The doctor performed cauterization on the wound to stop the bleeding.
No, your eyes shouldn't be effected during or after nasal cauterization.
if its external, with a pain relieving antiseptic, if internal cauterization, youd need NSAID
according to my dermatologist, you can take a bath after 2-3 days after your cauterization Save
Depending on where on the body you're performing cauterization, and during what procedure, it is frequently done under GA.
As an injury a thermal burn. As a treatment to stop bleeding cauterization.
I didn't when i had one
In 90-95% of patients whose bleeding does not stop spontaneously, cauterization without surgery will stop the bleeding.