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its possible it is not all guarenteed

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Q: If you had protected sex and are on the pill could you be pregnant?
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What pill to take to get pregnant?

You cant take a pill to get pregnant ! Getting pregnant involves having un-protected sex !

Can you get pregnant if the night you have protected sex you don't take your birth control pill?

It's not high risk, although you could.

Could you get pregnant if you were on the pill for a month but stopped taking it then 21 days later you had protected sex?

It depends on what you were using as protection on day 21.

You are on the pill and had protected sex but the condom broke either while inside of you or right when cumed and was by your vagina could you be pregnant?

If any sperm are anywhere near the vagina, you can get pregnant. I have a 30 year old to prove it (no penetration).

I am on depo provera and having protected sex could you be pregnant?

its unlikely that u are pregnant since ur on birth controll and protected sex i wouldn't stress to much about that one

Is it possible to get pregnant if you take orthotricyclen for 1 year and you take Tylenol and benedryl and have unprotected sex while on your period?

Tylenol and Benendryl should have no affect on the pill. You can have unprotected sex any day of the month if you are on the pill, you are protected with the pill from pregnancy.

Pregnancy after protected sex?

You cant get pregnant after protected sex

Can you be pregnant if you only had protected sex 3-4 days before a full 5 day period and no sex after but the next period displays brown blood spots similar to implantation bleeding?

If by protected sex you mean a condom, then yes. The condom could break :( If by pill, also yes. They do not always work.

If you had protected sex a little over a month ago and have a period could you be pregnant?


Can you be pregnant if im on the pill but had diarrahea?

If you are on the pill and have diarrhea there can be a disturbance in the process of the pill , so if you have had sex in the middle of the disturbance there is a possible chance you could be pregnant!

If your girlfriend was on the pill for 2 1/2 years and stopped taking it a month ago and she's now 2 days late could it be because you had sex with a condom or just because she stopped taking the pill?

If you've had PROTECTED sex she wont be pregnant. Her period will be all over the place a few months after stopping the pill.

Could you be pregnant three week arfter you stopped taking the pill?

Easily if you had sex!