After seeing a doctor, they will determine the severity and let you know.
yes as long as you dont have head problems or a concusion but if you dont it is okay
its only normal to sleep in bed with out shoes
Yes people do it routinely
No, you have to go to a hospital to let him sleep. I am a doctor, trust me.
Personally I would go to a doctor just to make sure you or a friend does not have a concusion.
After taking Hydrocodone wait about 30 minutes to go to sleep. When the Hydrocodone kicks in you will feel it.
Jody gets the horny toad to go to sleep by gently stroking its back until it relaxes and feels calm. This helps the toad feel safe and comfortable enough to drift off to sleep.
of course you can sleep after you hit your head. its no big deal. However, you may get unconscious or if the hit is really hard, you may have a concusion which may lead you to have a bad headache while sleeping. Seeking professional help should be done if these sypmtoms persist