Most isolated simple concussions will resolve without significant long term problems, however, unlucky people may have damage from a concussion leading to chronic inner ear imbalance, benign positional vertigo, headaches, or a lightheaded or unfocused feeling. These issues are mostly seen in people with multiple concussions, such as those related to sports such as boxing, soccer, and football leading to the term punch drunk.
Symptoms from a concussion that do not improve or worsen should lead to urgent neurological evaluation to ule out issues such as subdural hematoma.
Once you have one concussion, you are more likely to get another, or have a relapse from activities that only rattle their brains a bit. I had one patient with multiple concussions from. cage fighting, improve almost to baseline, only to relapse from roller coaster riding.
Depending on how damage your brain is will affect your life style in living if its really serious you wont be to do much things like activies, sports, learning, seeing, hearing, speaking and so on and if its not that bad than you still have a chance of learning and do some few activities.
FOREVER.... or until you get a concussion from falling out of a tree you stupidly climbed.
A concussion can affect various parts of the brain, including the frontal lobe, temporal lobe, and brainstem. These areas are responsible for functions such as cognition, memory, emotional regulation, and balance. Symptoms of a concussion can vary based on which parts of the brain are impacted.
It affects the way you react to things... for instance if you get a concussion and you still have "concussion like symptoms" and if you get hit again and get another concussion that's some serious brain damage... they are trying to help keep everyone safe in the sports industry.
Absolutely. Concussion affects the brain in different ways. If you get hit on the head, it's always a good idea to get yourself checked out by a doctor. Undiagnosed concussion could affect you days r even weeks after the incident.
A double concussion is a concussion that immediately follows the first concussion, or occurs before the injured party is asymptomatic.
Can you take Diazepam with concussion.
A concussion can disrupt homeostasis by affecting the balance of ions and neurotransmitters in the brain, leading to symptoms such as dizziness, confusion, and cognitive impairment. It can also trigger inflammation and oxidative stress, disrupting the body's normal regulatory mechanisms. Maintaining homeostasis after a concussion requires careful monitoring and management of symptoms to support the brain's recovery process.
A concussion is an injury to the brain when it hits the skull after a hard hitHumpty Dumpty got a concussion when he fell off the wall. :)I'm afraid he might have a concussion.
Concussion - album - was created in 2001.
Mild head injury is called concussion
No it was not a serious concussion. It was a mild concussion but it's taking Crosby time to feel better
Yes, you can still play video games with a concussion. In fact, when I got a concussion, that is all I did.