Burps and farts are categorized differently. Both of them are amounts of air that you swallow while eating. Then they come back out. However, the main difference is, burps come out the top, farts come out the bottom. Plus, farts tend to smell worse.
rats can burp but they dont like to because it hurts them because they are so small but they usually fart
Burp is through the mouthand Fart/ Flatus is through the anus
I would not fart a burp because #1,that's rude and especially if you dont cover your mouth and #2 you want to have a good date so you dont want to have bad manners around your date.
burp because they don't stink
Whan you have to fart ..... Hold It in and you will burp
They fart
fart then burp
its below my 1, to the left of my w, to the right of my tab, above of the a FART GAS BURP
To sneeze and burp or hiccup is possible to fart and burp at the same time is rare but to do all of them at the same time is anatomically impossible.
Only a small portion of the unicorn population fart rainbows AND burp butterflies. Some unicorns do either or, and some do neither.
No, only if it was a constipated pig it would fart eighty times