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You could get grouchy youll be tired of the remainder of the day.

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Q: If you don't get enough sleep how does it affect you?
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How does sleep affects sports?

If you dont get enough sleep, you will be fatigued, which will affect performance.

Does having enough sleep affect behavior?

yes it does , so get enough sleep

Why does sleep affect grades?

cause if u dont get sleep u will have bad grades

What makes shadows under the eyes?

When you dont get enough sleep.

Is it possible to not be able to sleep after losing a lot of sleep?

yes, if you dont get enough sleep and you get too tired your body cant slow down enough and it's harder to get to sleep. trust me, i know. :D

How does carbon minoxide affect the body?

Enough of it could put you to sleep permanently.

Is there any correlation between sleep deprivation and academic performance?

Yes when you dont get enough sleep your scores are greatly affected

Does sleep affect your writing?

Yes. If you don't get enough sleep, you'll be tired, and your writing will not be as good as it would be if you were alert and rested.

What does getting enough sleep affect a person?

A lack of proper sleep is called Sleep Deprivation. In some people it has been known to reduce their grammatical abilities, especially with regards to question phrasing. An example would be, "What does getting enough sleep affect a person?", instead of the more grammatically correct "Why am I answering this question?"

How do you get cheese?

go away dont come back or go to sleep because your obviously not getting enough sleep cause you are so dum if you dont know were cheese comes from

How do you cheese?

go away dont come back or go to sleep because your obviously not getting enough sleep cause you are so dum if you dont know were cheese comes from

Can your sleeping habits affect your eating habits?

There is some evidence that not enough sleep is a factor in obesity.