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No. Various fruits and veges with pips or seed especially unfortunately get thrown out when infact they contain very healthy enzymes. Use the seeds and all and blend or finely chop up if you don't have a blender and include in a drink or juice etc. Did you know that for example the avocado seed itself contains precious healthy stuff good for us, blend it up.....

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Q: If you cut the fresh fruits or vegetables will the enzyme be lost?
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What is food waste?

On the long journey from the farm to the table, food is lost or spoiled at all stages, and fresh foods such as fruits, vegetables, milk, and meat are particularly unsafe.

Which vitamin is lost when fruits and vegetables are dried?

Nearly all the vitamins are lost by drying. Mainly vitamin A and C are lost by drying.

What is the nutritional value of frozen vegetables?

There are pros and cons to fresh and frozen vegetables. Fresh vegetables can lose 10 to 15 percent of their nutrients during shipping from the grower, to the market and then to your table. Frozen are picked and processed soon after they are picked. Frozen vegetables will retain most of their nutrients. However if the vegetables are blanched (dipped in hot water for 5 minutes) to keep their color and texture, some nutrients are lost. 3 to 5 servings a day of vegetables is recommended.

What happen to the enzyme after the enzyme is boiled?

They are said to be denatured.Their tritiary structure is lost.

Why do vegetables and fruits dry up?

Fruits and vegetables exposed to the air always loose some moisture to their surrounding environment through evaporation. While still on the tree/vine, that moisture is replenished by the plant, and the fruit or vegetable maintains a healthy equilibrium. After the fruit/vegetable is picked, it no longer has a source of water to replace the moisture lost to evaporation, and it therefore become dry.

What is the name for an enzyme that has lost its ability?

An enzyme that has lost its ability to function properly is often referred to as a denatured enzyme. This can occur due to changes in temperature, pH, or the presence of certain chemicals that disrupt the enzyme's structure. Once denatured, an enzyme may no longer be able to catalyze reactions effectively.

What are a few ways that belly fat can be lost?

Stop eating trans and saturated fats, found in junk foods and red meats. Eat fruits and vegetables. Do endurance exercises to reduce overall body fat.

Where can I find diets that promote heart health?

A heart healthy diet would include lost of fruits and vegetables. It would also include fiber and whole grains to help lower cholesterol.Exercise is also inportant.

What are antioxidants and where can you find them?

Antioxidants can be found in many plants that we eat.Fruits and vegetables would be the best source for getting antioxidants into your system but only when they are fresh picked right from the farm. Most store-bought fruits and veggies have lost most of their vitamin/mineral content due to decay caused by long lapses in delivery time.Supplements can also provide antioxidants which are not gained from the regular diet.

How you can demonstrate that INT reduction is due to an enzyme catalysed process?

By heating the homogenate. proteins are innactivated by heat and enzyme activity is lost

What destroys vitamin contents in food?

Vegetables and fruits have the most nutrients when they're harvested, and they begin to lose them as soon as they are harvested. There are other things we can do to fruits and vegetables to hasten this destruction of nutrients after harvest, including:Storage: The longer vegetables and fruits are stored before using, the more nutrients are lost.Cutting: When a plant is cut, it goes on the defensive and activates enzymes that destroys its own nutrients, causing brown discoloration.Cooking: Over-cooking diminishes nutrients by breaking down the cells. When food is fried, barbecued, or baked at high temperatures, toxic compounds such as acrylamides are formed and most important nutrients are lost. Many vitamins are water-soluble, and a significant percent can be lost with cooking, especially overcooking. Boiling makes it easy for nutrients to leach into the water. Many plant enzymes function as phytochemical nutrients in your body and they, too, can be destroyed by overcooking.Freezing. Frozen food is pre-cooked to inactivate the enzymes so that the food won't turn brown, making it easier to over-cook, and diminishing the Vitamin C in particular.Blending or juicing. Juicing breaks down fruits and vegetables into such tiny parts that the nutrient loss begins rapidly. Very few nutrients will be left in the juice or smoothie after 24 hours.To minimize destruction:Buy the most recently harvested fruits and vegetables you can. Think locally grown produce from farmers markets.Buy whole fruits and vegetables instead of pre-cut and bagged.Enjoy as many as possible whole and raw.If you do store them, don't peel or pre-cut.If you do cook them, cook them whole or cut them into large pieces right before you cook them, and cut them into extra large sizes to cook and cut smaller after cooking.Avoid peeling most fruits and vegetables, as many nutrients are in or just under the skin. If you must peel cooked vegetables, peel them after cooking, as the skin helps keep nutrients in during cooking.Avoid boiling and discarding the water. Use steam so the nutrients won't leach into the water. When food is steamed or made into a soup, the temperature is fixed at 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit), the temperature of boiling water. This moisture-based cooking prevents food from browning and forming toxic compounds. Most essential nutrients in vegetables are made more absorbable after being cooked in a soup and water-soluble nutrients are not lost because we eat the liquid portion of the soup too. Only small amounts of nutrients are lost with making a soup, but many more nutrients are made more absorbable. When you heat, soften, and moisturize vegetables and beans, you increase the digestibility and absorption of many nutrients, including protein.Use frozen fruits and vegetables only when fresh are not practical.Drink freshly made smoothies and juice immediately after you make them. Avoid buying bottled juice, which aside from being stored, has also been pasteurized.

What would be your response to vomiting?

This has worked for me. No grease, no vegetables or fruits only clear liquids (sprite, ginger ale) with plain crackers. Keep hydrated and at the same time replenish natural substances lost with coconut water, lots of restful sleep.