I would tell him because it will come out eventually. It is better if it comes from you than coming from another source. I am answering this from the other perspective of having my spouse cheating on me and finding out from other sources than him. Your spouse will have questions: answer them if you're interested in keeping your spouse. Give your spouse time to process the information and decide what they want to do with it. Let them know if you would like to stay with them or not so they know what your intentions are. Also, get tested for STDs as your spouse may want to know if you've exposed them to anything through this experience. Good luck! To the grave! It depends. Why did you cheat? Was there a reason? Is it likely to happen again? Is opening up such a wound really going to accomplish anything but clear your conscience while you make your wife feel like dirt? Is this something that happened way out on a business trip that no one knows about but you and it's not going to produce any children/STDs? Or is it someone close that you both know that would further hurt more people by letting it out of the bag? Neither is clearly a right or wrong answer. You have done wrong. But unless she's likely to find out you would be best served by turning your guilt inwards and finding ways to show your wife you love her going forwards and working daily to improve your relationship than you would be to throw more coals on a fire that is already smoldering (or you wouldn't have wanted to be with anyone else in the first place)
You either take care of them or your EX spouse does.
It is possible, but it will take time for trust to be rebuilt.
Humans are not perfect and a woman may have only cheated once and will never do it again. You cannot judge a person by past deeds when it comes to love. If they have learned their lesson well from their mistakes they will probably never cheat again and make a good spouse. The other question is ... what if the man has cheated himself! Why would a woman take a chance on him.
They are in the grave forever from then on Because they are in the grave and they won't be able to take a bath... so that makes sense and why would they smell like perfume when they're in a grave... they won't take a bath at all from then.
Your spouse can take it away at any time. The court would certainly believe that you would not be representing the best interests of your spouse at that point.
Depends who's name is on the mortgage. If both names are on, then you would need both spouse's to take out a home equity line of credit.
Take This to Your Grave was created on 2003-05-06.
* You have to be careful when to accuse a spouse of cheating when you don't have proof. Second guessing can get you into trouble. It would be wise to discuss your concerns with your wife. If she denies cheating and you have reason to feel that she is you can either hire a detective to follow her when she goes out or you can take a friend and follow her yourself.
Grave robbers would dig up bodies from cemetaries. They would then strip the body of its valuables and/or take the corpse to the nearest hospital/university to be used for experiments and teaching aids.
Jewelry and any other valuables a person might be buried with.
* If your spouse has been true to you then you are a highly jealous person and need to seek psychological counseling before you completely destroy your relationship with your spouse. If your spouse has cheated on you then it will take many months; possibly years to ever trust them again. Once trust is broken it is difficult to get back. Seek marriage counseling and the two of you should learn the tools to survive in your relationship if you really love each other.
An author would think plagiarism is a grave offense because that is who they are. They write, they are known for that, the things they write make them who they are. If you take the work they produce as your own, it makes them incomplete.