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A policy or attitude of ignoring a situation instead of assuming responsibility for managing or improving it.

(had to look it up)

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Q: If you are told to assume an attitude of 'benign neglect' what does that mean?
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what does benign mean?


What does benign despotism mean in early imperialism?

They are absolute monarchs with an ultimate power but they do good rather than evil to their country. This doesnt mean that they did good at all times, but they were of a good attitude. For example, Rome was all about war between protestants and catholics but Augustus Caesar who was a benign despot turned it into a marble.

What is benign breast findings mean?

Small tumors in your breast. Benign means they are not cancer.

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Grossly benign means that to the naked eye, it does not appear dangerous.

What does less-benign mean?

The word benign means that a disease or tumor is not harmful or not cancerous. The phrase less benign would mean that it is not cancer and not harmful so it does not need to further treatment.

What does less benign mean?

The word benign means that a disease or tumor is not harmful or not cancerous. The phrase less benign would mean that it is not cancer and not harmful so it does not need to further treatment.

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I assume that you mean the attitude to the Spanish conquistadores? If so initially they believed that they were Gods because of their steel armour, Horses, light coloured hair and Guns which the native Americans had never seen before.

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What is a synonym for bengin?

I think you mean benign. Benign means innocuous

What does benign mean?

Benign means gentle, kind, or not harmful. It is often used in medical terms to describe a non-cancerous or non-threatening condition.

When a tumor is described as benign what does that mean?

A benign tumor is one that remains confined to its original site; it does not metastasize, or spread. Another word for a benign tumour is onenon-cancerous.

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