It depends on how you were irradiated (nuclear bomb or radiation therapy for cancer). Assuming the first, the radiation poisoning that would cause sterility probably caused a lot of other bodily problems and it would be dangerous to have a child. The second, more likely way to become sterile happens more slowly and doesn't damage most of your body.
YES, it's completely possible to have birth through in-vitro. the catch is that you would need someone else's egg, have it fertilized in a lab, and then implanted into you.
No, the amount of radiation in an MRI is too minimal to cause sterility.
"sterile" means that all microbes have been killed by radiation or heat.
Invitro is an Indie rock band from Los Angeles, USA. Invitro are best known for the songs 'New Disease', 'When I Was a Planet', 'Transfer' and 'Lucid May'.
lossess due to radiation
Ionizing radiation
As soon as you open a dry sterile container it is not sterile any more due to stuff falling on it. Studies do show that the longer a sterile field is exposed the higher rate of contamination. There is less contamination with a covered field. Jim RN
A radiation drop is a decrease in radiation levels, typically due to a decrease in the radioactive material emitting the radiation or due to shielding that blocks the radiation from reaching a certain area. It indicates a lessening of radiation exposure in the environment.
no it do not sorry
A sterile organism is unable to reproduce or produce offspring. This can be due to factors such as genetic abnormalities, physical deformities, or other conditions that prevent normal reproduction.
Places like hospitals, laboratories, clean rooms, and surgical operating rooms can be made sterile through processes like rigorous cleaning, air filtration, and disinfection to prevent the growth and spread of microorganisms.