just ask her dont be scared tell her that you would like to do something sometimes and that you just want it to be the two of you
Don't ask her out if she was the ex of your best freind
Just ask her if she would like to, she's probably been waiting for you to ask her it anyway, so I wouldn't keep her waiting!
ask her why, be there for her and try to understand
Ask her.
ask your dad for advice
Because they are scared of rejection
I am a 14yr old girl, and the best way to ask "A hot girl out" is to her face. That way it shows you are not a scared. You go straight up to her ( even if your nervous ) and say, "Do you want to go out with me?" Thats what I would do. Good luck! # # #
Just ask her for an honest opinion of the relationship between you and her. The worst that can happen is that you get cast into the friend zone, but if you are that afraid of rejection then you probably should wait to date. Tender hearts are precious.
She does not ask for hypno, she is being scared by a hypno, which you then battle. It is on 3 Island.
idk im no expert but it may b cuz they hate rejection n theyre scared the girl will laugh..it could also be cuz theyre scared the girl will say no wen they ask...they wanna ask at the right time
Aproach her, say hi. . .ask her how she is. . .then talk to her about whatever you wanna talk about.